Saturday, 7 June 2014

An Open Letter To Welsh Water

Dear Welsh Water

Myself and my housemates have today recieved a letter from Bay Collections, dated 1st June 2014 whom after a little research appears to be a subsidiary company of yours specialising in debt collection. The note you've sent us asks that we must call either a premium rate number to pay over the phone or telephone a separate premium rate number to agree payment terms. This would be acceptable, had we not on the 23rd May 2014 had a conversation with you outlining our position, which you agreed to.

As students we are currently going to be vacating the property at the end of June and as such did not wish to pay an extra 9 months, we discussed with you that we would only pay the 3 months for which we would be occupying the property, which you agreed to on that day and we have the details of that conversation written. You have assured us that we would not have to pay beyond that but the letters of your debt collection agency have still stated that we will need to pay the full amount. (Update) While our details have now apparently been resolved, the fact that we recieved this letter suggests your organisation would prefer to send threatening messages through a subsidiary than acknowledge our account change during the 8 days between us contacting you and the letter being sent.

Given that Bay Collections is indeed a subsidiary of yours, instead of sticking to what we had been assured on the phone (of which you can find a record as all your calls are recorded), you chose to enact a threatening letter. Please in the future can you update account details a little faster than 8 days in order to prevent us or any future student customers from recieving such correspondence after they have informed you of their situtation.

A Customer.

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